Current & Future Processes
Linergy currently operates a rendering facility which processes animal by-products, food processing waste and fallen stock to produce renewable fuels. Rendering is a process that converts waste animal tissue into stable, value-added materials such as tallow oil and meat and bone meal. The tallow oil produced has the same energy value as heavy fuel oil whilst the meat and bone meal has an energy equivalent to dry timber or low grade coal. The tallow oil produced from the rendering process is used on site to raise steam to power the process. Any excess tallow oil is used as a boiler fuel or as a feedstock for biodiesel products. The meat and bone meal produced is currently exported to power stations in Great Britain to produce electricity and heat via incineration.
Any emissions produced by the process are controlled by advanced technology known as thermal oxidation. This is used to destroy the volatile compounds from the rendering process by oxidising them to innocuous emissions of water vapour and CO2. The emissions are then passed to the atmosphere via the flue on site. Further information on this is included in the FAQ section of this website.